Monday, 4 June 2012

Tomax talk : Vogue UK’s Alexandra Shulman Says Adele Was Their Worst-Selling Cover Yet !

Not so long ago we had the pleasure of attending a talk by tomax, which was great  ( little mentioned by them .. ) one of the highlight guests Alexandra Shulman admitted that even with 20 years' experience editing British Vogue, she doesn't always know what makes a best-selling cover girl."Music stars haven't sold at all well," Shulman said at the ToMax talk Fashion and Fantasy: What's in Vogue and Why Does It Matter? in London last night. " Adele is the most popular woman in the world, but one of the worst sellers we've ever had. I find there has to be a relationship with the person on the cover that goes beyond how they look. When asked what was the ultimate best seller ? "Our most successful cover was the millennium issue - which didn't have anyone on it, but acted like a mirror so you could see your own reflection!" Surprise Surprise ..      
  She also admitted that there is one person she would like to put on the cover who is proving elusive: "I'd love to have Kate Middleton on the cover," she smiled. "I assure you it is not for want of asking! 
 Sharing a platform with fashion designers Jas MB and Tessa Edwards, Shulman went on to express her continued frustration with the problem of small sample sizes.

 "I've written another letter to a designer this week because the sample sizes are too small," she said. "All magazines use the same samples so if they are small it limits the choice of models that can be put in them. You are then by necessity showing a very small range of body types. There's a limit to what I can do about it myself. We try by never using models who are under 16, and not using models with eating disorders. As part of the Health Initiative that Vogue has just launched, I am meeting all the top UK model agents in a couple of weeks to discuss what we can do in this country. However, other parts of the press need to take responsibility and change their ways too. Tabloids and weekly magazines that ring cellulite and promote diets are a part of the problem." We completely agree with her statement, as she mentioned is also up to designers to start making clothes that models can fit into ! as it leaves magazines with not choice of clothing! . 
 Overall the event was brilliant and all the chatter from tom ( tomax organiser) despite some horribly wikipedia questions, ( at least he done his research) the event was full of inspirations and variety. We will follow up with a post from Jas MB .. as we are planning to visit his studio. Here are some photos we took from the event: 

Ostatnio mialysmy okazj brac udzial w wieczorze organizowanym przez Tomax talks, ktory byl wyjatkowo specjalny z jednego wzgledu- mialysmy okazje spotkac alexandre shulman oraz projektantow Jas sehmbi i Tesse Edwards. Przepraszam ze duzo nie napiszemy o tym ale tyle sie ostatnio dzieje ze nie mamy nawet kiedy :(:( Mamy nadzieje ze zdjecia beda sie wam podobaly a jesli macie pytania zawsze mozecie pisac na - z checia i usmiechem na twarzy odpowiemy na kazde pytania :):)

Alexandra's First Novel 
The venue 

Me , Mika and Alexandra Shuman after we chatted . Did you know Poland has one of the highest entries on ? Nice to be recognised as polish bloggers.

Fashion Designer Tessa Edwards,
Me and Alexandra chatting after the talk .

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